Flea and Tick Control Advice to Keep Your Pet Safe

There are many methods and products that are created to keep your pet free of parasites. From natural solutions to pesticides, sprays and growth inhibitors, all have the same purpose. To keep your pet pest-free and any disease that they might carry.

Most products are effective for only one pest, but some combined ones will help you against other pests and parasites, along with fleas and ticks. Depending on the level of infestation, it is better to consult with your veterinarian before proceeding further.

What signs to look for

It is not uncommon to see your dog or cat scratch themselves. It is part of their grooming. However, when they increase the intensity of scratching and biting, you can be almost 100% that this could be a flea or tick problem. If you include small black dots on their fur or skin in the equation, you most certainly have an issue.

Sometimes, their skin gets red and irritated, while others increase their grooming, leading to fur loss. In some cases, dogs show pale gums, while others include the presence of tapeworms. If the situation is serious, it is important to consult a veterinarian.

How can you prevent your pet from getting fleas or ticks

We all know that you cannot keep your pet closed behind 4 walls, so it is kept safe. However, you can ensure that the environment where you go for walks, in the case of dogs, is treated against pests. You can also pay close attention to who your pet is coming in contact with. If another animal is infested with fleas or ticks, your pet might show signs just a couple of days after contact.

Cleaning and decluttering your pet’s areas will help you with any future or ongoing infestation. If you are dealing with a flea infestation in your home, it is good to wash every pet’s fabric to the highest degree possible and steam clean the carpets. Disinfect all areas where they might be and finish by wiping all surfaces with hot water. Remember that fleas and ticks can survive without a host, which is one of the main reasons why it is sometimes harder to get rid of them.

In addition to this, take advantage of their regular treatments and veterinary checks. Having a flea and tick collar with you is also good to use on your pet when needed.

What options do you have

There is a wide variety of pest control options preventing fleas and ticks. The most commonly used are collars, spot-on treatments, oral medications, sprays, and shampoos. Of course, despite all being highly effective and easy to use, it is recommended to ask your veterinarian before choosing one for your pet.


Collars are a popular choice among many dog owners as they are highly effective and long-lasting. They are easy to use and extremely affordable. Some of them include a small amount of insecticide. This insecticide helps against any fleas or ticks that come in touch with the skin of your pet.

Spot-on treatment

Spot-on treatment is one of the easiest pest control options to use. It is practical and long-lasting. It is applied between your pet’s shoulders, which makes it hard to reach and to be licked off. Many choose this option because you do not have to do it frequently.

Oral medication

Oral medications are typically used once a year or a season. Depending on your pet’s size and contact with the outside, you can determine the need for more than once with your veterinarian. The way it works is to kill any flea or tick that comes into close contact with your pet. Oral medications are also very effective with any type of parasite. This makes them one of the most popular choices when you get a new pet or get outside quite often.

Sprays and shampoos

Sprays and shampoos are cosmetic solutions that need to be used regularly, according to your vet’s recommendations or what is said on the label. You can include such in your regular pet’s grooming routine. You can determine its effectiveness depending on the brand and how often you use it. Some shampoos are very strong due to their combination of ingredients and should be used with care.

What are the benefits

The benefit of using flea and tick treatments is that you will increase your pet’s health by decreasing the chances of it catching a disease. Such diseases as Lyme disease are carried by fleas and ticks and can easily infect your pet.

Another benefit is that you can enjoy the outside with your pet without worries and know that you will not carry a pest in your home.

What you need to remember

If your pet has a tick, please do not remove it yourself. Visit the nearest vet and ask for the procedure. Removing it as soon as possible is essential, but it must be effectively done. If the head of the tick stays in the body, this might lead to some serious infections and illnesses.

When you have a flea or tick infestation, you must treat your pet and home altogether. Treating only your pet will not help you against spreading the infestation and making matters worse. Until you are absolutely sure that your pet and home are pest-free, it is good to be in quarantine and not be in contact with other animals. Otherwise, the chances of dealing with infestation soon are high.


Dealing with flea or tick infestation can be a challenging and gruesome task. However, the dangers that might occur if not treated in time are greater. Looking after a pet has never been easy, but them being our little babies, we need to take care of such issues as well. Regular visits to your vet and being aware of your surroundings will help keep your pet healthy and safe from any pests and diseases. And remember, keeping your home clean helps you against any kind of infestations.