How to teach your dog to track

How to teach your dog to track

We all love our dogs know how to do special things like going around, to bring us the newspaper or to seek us things. The latter, although the action track is something innate in animals, it is not easy to teach a dog to crawl just what we want and we bring.

It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible either. In this post we will give you some tips so you wake up that instinct might be asleep.

How to awaken the instinct to crawl into a dog

Teach our dog track is much more than bragging to our friends, it is to awaken an innate sense that can probably be asleep. It is important for their development and socialization to carry out their instincts.

teach your dog to track

Looking for a place free of odors

To start training a dog track in action is important that we seek a place other than tracking. Looking not be many odors and have not been many animals out there.

As you learn it, you know how to differentiate the smell that wants to track everyone else. But meanwhile, must begin in this way. Of course, select an outdoor area, because at home will be difficult to find something.

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