Norrbottenspets – The Fearless Spitzdog


A truly remarkable hard-working dog: the Norrbottenspets is a fascinating breed that possesses several qualities that is sure to capture the hearts of dog lovers. It may not be as popular compared to other breeds, but this breed left a significant impact when to comes to the field. It has an elegant … Read more

Icelandic Sheepdog – The Inquisitive Herder

Not all countries have a native breed to be proud of; for some countries, it is an honor to produce a dog that originated from their land. Interestingly, the Icelandic Sheepdog is the only breed that originated from Iceland, which the Icelanders take pride in.  Considering the Icelandic Sheepdog’s characteristics, it is … Read more

Finnish Lapphund – The Weatherproof Herder

Herding dogs are probably among the toughest breeds. They were a significant part of our society ever since the early times, where people used them in various tasks, mostly on the farm. Throughout historical records, we can say that these types of dogs were undoubtedly efficient on the field. There are many … Read more